Author Interview: Sara R. Turnquist

Hey ya’ll! I have a special guest with me today and she’s talking about her book and fun facts about herself. Check it out!


Hope In Cripple Creek

Amidst devastation and loss, can one woman find love?

Tragedy strikes Katherine Matthews and the small town of Cripple Creek, Colorado. An epidemic teams her with an old enemy, Wyatt Sullivan, the town’s doctor. In the midst of desperation and death, Katherine has decisions to make. But she has no idea to what extent they will affect her daily life and livelihood. The town is turned upside-down when the gold miners go on strike. The owners bring in outside reinforcements, ready to break the resolve of the Western Federation of Miners. Everything in an upheaval, Katherine faces a crisis of faith and hard choices. Will life ever be normal again?

What inspired you to write this book?

I have always loved this time period from shows like Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. I wanted to set it somewhere in Colorado. My husband who has lived in Colorado suggested Cripple Creek as it was a small-ish town there. When I began researching Cripple Creek, I found this story of this rather famous mine strike that took place there around this time. So, I decided to set my story during that strike and incorporate it in the story. So, part of the story is based on the true history of the strike (featuring the main character’s brother) and it’s woven in and around the love story.

How long have you been writing?

I’ve always kind of written short stories and fan fiction (surprisingly, not Dr. Quinn, but Star Trek 🙂 ) But I was in college (many moons ago) when I started the manuscript which would become my second published novel, The General’s Wife.

Are you an outliner or pantser?

I am a born pantser. But, the longer I am writing and learning, the more I am becoming a PLANTSER (plannter/pantser). I do some planning (mostly with characters) up front, and then let the story take me away. That part will never change.

hicc1-2Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?

Inspiration is not always going to be there, sometimes you have to find the muse. Your determination is up to you. I would suggest that you use google to search for “writing prompts” or just start journaling. Sometimes you have to “prime the pump” as they say. And it’s true. If you will start writing anything, even if you don’t feel it, you will be surprised how quickly your mind will get flowing again. Many writers will edit the previous days’ scene(s) to prime the pump before getting started on their day’s work.

What are your hobbies aside from writing?

I love to read, paint, scrapbook, sing, play the piano, but between my three little kiddos, the house, groceries, laundry, cooking, and whatnot, I rarely have time for anything other than writing.

Where is one place you want to visit that you haven’t been before?

Egypt…I’d love to see the pyramids for myself.

You were just given an Island. What would you name it? And who would live there with you?

A name…oh, I don’t know…”Peace” sounds good. My family and friends. But the kids would have their own section of the island with a barrier to the water.

Weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten.

I am NOT an adventurous eater, but I did try alligator once. Tasted like chicken. No joke. Like really chewy chicken.

If you could bring one of your characters to life, who would it be?

My mind ran through my heroines first, then the heros…best not think about that (my husband isn’t reading this is he?)…I like all of my heroines, but I really like the handmaiden of my heroine in The General’s Wife, Alonah. She was such a fun character to write. And she is enough like me that we would get along, but different enough that we wouldn’t butt heads. I think we’d be great friends.


Do you have any advice for other writers?

Have determination. Just as I said before, no one will caretake your writing journey for you. You have to do it. And sometimes that means writing when you don’t feel like it. Sometimes that means stretching yourself in the area of marketing when you don’t want to.

Can you share an excerpt of your book with us?

Absolutely!!  EXCERPT:

“Katie!” Someone shook her, rubbing her face. “Katie!”

Her eyes opened. There was no tunnel, no Ellie Mae. Katherine was in the hotel room in Denver with Wyatt. He leaned over her, hands on her arms, shaking her awake. Ellie was dead and had been for many years. Katherine lay covered in a layer of sweat as tears flowed down her face.

“Katie, are you all right?” Wyatt asked, his voice now gentle as he pushed her hair out of her face. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into his embrace. “That must have been some nightmare. But you’re safe.”

Katherine did feel safe in his arms, but the memory of what happened to Ellie was fresh in her mind, in her heart, and she couldn’t let herself remain in Wyatt Sullivan’s embrace. She pushed at him to create some distance between them.

She smacked at her face, wiping the tears away. “I’m fine,” she lied.

His eyes darkened. Who cared if he didn’t believe her?

But she would have none of his comforting. The wound was fresh. He had left Ellie Mae behind.

img_7676Sara is originally from Middle Tennessee where she currently resides with her family. She is a prolific reader and enjoys reading and writing clean Historical Romance. Her travels have also served to inspire her writing. Sara is the author of The Lady Bornekova, The General’s Wife, and Off to War. She is also a member of ACFW.

If you are as excited as I am about this book, you can purchase it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, or Kobo!

Check out the book trailer for Hope In Cripple Creek here!

Calling Myself an Author

So now that I’ve officially published my first book Bleeding Hearts, I can call myself an img_1839-1author. In my mind, I’ve always been a writer and have dreamed of publishing. Did I think it was a reality? Honestly, no I didn’t. But now that it is, what am I to do?

Simple, keep writing, publishing and promoting. For those that don’t know, being an author isn’t all roses and hearts. I work hard to promote my work and myself. Although sometimes I get nervous talking to people about myself and my book, I know it will only help in the long run.

What’s in store for my readers? This is a tough question, I want to tell everyone that I’ll have a new book published soon, but that means I have to finish something. I’ll give you some insight on what I’m working on.

baBLEEDING ALONE is book two in the Bleeding Hearts series. I’ve been slowly working on this book. It’s harder than I thought it was going to be, and after some thought I was going to stop its progress and put it to rest, but I can’t do that to y’all. So, I’m going to work hard on this book and hopefully sometime in 2017 it will be out.

Here’s a short blurb of Bleeding Alone:This story follows a secondary character from the first book named Ruby Mae Lavender. She’s an art student at a university and she meets the famous serial killer, Carson but she doesn’t respond with animosity like everyone else has. There’s more romance, fear, and murders in this second book!

The other story I am working on is a YA suspense titled SCARRED. Jules Martinez was in love at fifteen, but her love story turned into a nightmare when she found herself a victim of domestic abuse. To help with her fear and ending a bad relationship, she joins a mixed martial arts gym, training every day. Now, eighteen years old and ready to go to college, she still suffers from her past. But it gets worse when Christopher comes back into her life again.

So, there you have it, my goal for the next couple of months! I will keep you updated and maybe even share some excerpts as I’m writing. Please make sure to follow my FB page for additional updates. You can purchase Bleeding Hearts on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and more.



New Release: A Fence Around Her

Author Brigid Amos has a new release to celebrate!

Can a girl break free from her mother’s past?


Having a mother with a past is never easy. For Ruthie Conoboy it becomes the struggle of a lifetime in 1900, the year Tobias Mortlock arrives in the gold mining town of Bodie, California. Ruthie is suspicious of this stranger, but her trusting father gives him a job in the stamp mill. Soon, Ruthie suspects that her mother and Mortlock have become more than friends. Can Ruthie stop this man from destroying her family?

You can purchase this book on Amazon   iTunes   Kobo   Smashwords.

What inspired you to write this book?

I’m almost hesitant to admit this, but a TV show was my initial inspiration for A Fence Around Her. Let me explain. Having just finished writing a novel about the California Gold Rush of 1849, I was desperately seeking an idea for my next book. Enter Huell Howser, host of “California’s Gold,” a program that highlighted the lesser known places of interest around the state. One evening, Mr. Howser visited the ghost town of Bodie, California. Bodie was a gold mining district that boomed in the early 1880s, declined rapidly, and was then devastated by fire in the 1930s. The minute those images appeared on my television screen, images of scattered ramshackle buildings abandoned in lonely, treeless hills, I was hooked on the place. In early June, I packed up my dog and camping equipment and headed for Bodie. A volunteer dressed in period costume and claiming to be the head machinist gave a fascinating tour of the Standard Stamp Mill, where ore was crushed into dust in the first step in extracting gold and silver. As I hung on his every word, the ghost of an idea began to take form in the back of my mind. That tour guide playing the role of head machinist became the basis for Mike Conoboy, the father of Ruthie Conoboy, my protagonist in A Fence Around Her. After my first visit, I read everything I could find on Bodie, and the rest of the story and characters arose from reading and visits to Bodie.

How long have you been writing?

A very, very long time. That isn’t helpful, is it? Ok, I got serious about writing twenty two years ago, but as my husband likes to say, “life intervened.” I got deadly serious about writing five years ago. Now, there’s no going back.

Are you an outliner or pantser?

Very much a panster, but I like to think there is always an outline hiding somewhere in my subconscious.

Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?

At the risk of being cheeky, just sit down in front of a piece of paper with a pen in your hand, put pen to paper, and go. But seriously, I don’t believe in writer’s block per se. I only believe that sometimes you’re hot and sometimes you’re not. A lot of people stop writing when they don’t feel inspired. Write when you’re uninspired. That may be when inspiration sneaks in the back door.

What are your hobbies aside from writing?

I love to ski. Skiing combines so many of my loves: mountains, trees, snow, speed, and adventure. And I ski with the love of my life, my husband Bob. Oh yes, I have many other interests, hardly worth mentioning after SKIING! By the way, I sneaked a ski scene into A Fence Around Her. Just couldn’t help myself.

Where is one place you want to visit that you haven’t been before?

Virginia City, Nevada. I actually worked Virginia City into the backstory of Lilly Conoboy, the mother of my main character Ruthie Conoboy. But I’ve never been there and would like to go someday.

You were just given an Island. What would you name it? And who would live there with you?

I would have an internet contest and let people submit names and then vote on them. It would be fun to see what kind of crazy names people might come up with, like Floaty McIsland, Shelley Long Island, or perhaps Dez Ertisland. Of course my husband would live there with me. And other people who are easy to get along with, because it’s hard to avoid people on an island.

Weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten.

I’m torn among goat, octopus, and frogs legs. Which one do you think is the weirdest? (By the way, I’m not advocating for any of them, and won’t eat them again!)

If you could bring one of your characters to life, who would it be?

In A Fence Around Her, I gave my main character a best friend by the name of Susanna Hunnewill. Susanna is kind, loyal, caring, wise, dependable, and even-tempered. In other words, she is the perfect best friend. I would totally bring her to life and keep her close by. Everyone needs a Susanna Hunnewill in their life!

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Don’t fret over the first draft. No one else has to read it. In the first draft you can write anything you want, make all kinds of mistakes, and relax into the writing. Later you can edit it. So don’t labor over every word and sentence in a first draft. Have fun with it. Writing should be fun!

Brigid Amos Headshot.jpg

Brigid Amos’ young adult historical fiction has appeared in The MacGuffin, The Storyteller, Wilderness House Literary Review, and Words of Wisdom. A produced playwright, she co-founded the Angels Playwriting Collective and serves on the board of the Angels Theatre Company. She is also an active member of Women Writing the West and the Nebraska Writers Guild. Although Brigid left a nugget of her heart behind in the California Gold Country, most of it is in Lincoln, Nebraska where she currently lives with her husband.

Can you share an excerpt of your book with us?

                   When I left the house that day to go to the Sawdust Corner Saloon to fetch my father, the day we met Tobias Mortlock, my mother was still lying in bed moaning as if from a mortal wound and threatening to do herself harm. While I was gone, she had gotten up and tried to console herself by working on her latest landscape. But something had gone wrong, for when we came through the front door into the parlor, we found my mother slumped on the floor. Her silk dressing gown lay in folds around her and her blond curls stuck to her head in a multicolored array. Little pots of oil paint were scattered across the floor dribbling the last of sky blue, forest green, and yellow ochre onto the Persian rug.

“Lilly, what have you done?” My father reached down and lifted her to her feet, then walked over to where the easel lay collapsed on the floor and righted it also. He peeled the wet canvas from the rug and set it on the easel, then stepped back to have a look at it.

Somewhat distracted by the bits of red fuzz from the carpet embedded in the wet paint, I fixed my eyes on the canvas, trying to sort out the swirls of color into a cohesive image. My mother waited silently for our verdict. She seemed, in that moment, as fragile as a sparrow. I was relieved when my father broke the silence with his jovial critique.

“Why Lilly, it is the spitting image of Mono Lake. Yes, here are the islands in the center, and here the mountains rising up in the background. It is quite an impressive site, just as we saw it that day.” Two summers before, my father had taken us on a trip to the lake on the narrow gauge railroad that brought us firewood from the lumber mill on its southern shore. I remember how much my mother enjoyed that rare outing, saying over and over that the lake reminded her of the San Francisco Bay.

“It’s a fine painting, Mother,” I said. She moaned.

“What was that, Lilly?”

“No, Father, she didn’t say anything. She only made a sound.”

“Not good enough!” Mother wailed. Her sticky, colorful curls quivered like bunting in a light breeze.

“That’s not true, dear,” my father said. “You are a fine artist. It’s these fools in this town who don’t appreciate it. Look around at all the beauty in this parlor! Every day, I come home and think, who else has so many beautiful works of art on their walls? Maybe just Leland Stanford, Randal Hearst, and me.” He reached out to brush back her sticky hair. She slapped his arm away, smearing paint on the cuff of his sleeve.

“I’m not talking about the stupid painting,” she said. “It’s me. I’ll never be good enough, not in Bodie.”

“Of course you are. I married you, didn’t I?”

At this she let out a wild scream and shook her head as if fending off a swarm of bees. Oil droplets sprayed in all directions, and I looked out the window to see if anyone could have heard. Mortlock had long moved on, and the street was deserted.

My mother stopped shaking and screaming, but she was still furious. “I am so sick of hearing about how you did me this grand favor by marrying me. If you’d wanted to do something for me, you would have taken me away from this awful place. You would have taken me somewhere people didn’t know me, where I could have been a regular woman.”

My father looked at the paint-spattered rug. “Ruthie, why don’t you go in the kitchen and start boiling water. I think your mother needs a bath.”

As I lit the stove and poured water into pots, I could hear their voices in the parlor, still going back and forth as they always did. Hers was like a mournful violin, his like a jolly French horn hopelessly out of step with the violin. Together they made a dissonant sound like musicians trying to play a duet, but each playing a different piece of music. And it never mattered what they were playing since it was always a variation on the same theme.

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Penelope Gilbert and the Children of Azure

Happy day-after release day for Emily Steward!! She has an amazing book and interview to share with us.

When 13 year-old Penelope Gilbert accidentally transforms into a stapler during math class, she’s sure she’s going crazy. But she’s not imagining the men in black suits now patrolling the halls at school, nor is she imagining the new substitute teacher who orders the class to take a special new test. A test that requires blood. Hunted for her powers, and torn from the life she knows, Penny is swept up into a world in the clouds where magic meets machine and pirates rule the sky.emily

Emily Steward spent the better part of her childhood dressed as a ninja and trying to convince others to call her ‘Ace.’ When she wasn’t saving the world from evil samurai, she could usually be found in the branches of a tree reading a good book. She now lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, three daughters, and dog Bentley. Though she seldom dresses as a ninja now, her adventurous spirit remains as does her love of tree climbing and reading good books.

What inspired you to write this book? I wish I had some kind of revelation to share on what got me inspired, but the truth is, I just decided to quit waiting for inspiration to strike, and start writing. The story looks a lot different now than that early draft, but it was effective because it got me out of my head and actually writing.

How long have you been writing? I’ve been writing stories pretty much since I can remember. I created a whole series when I was about seven or eight about a monster family. The mother was always yelling for the kids to come to dinner, the kids were always jumping on the bed, and the main character was prone to bonking his head on everything. Apparently when you are seven, bonking you head on things is the peak of hilarity.

Are you an outliner or pantser? Oh I am such a pantser. Probably to the point of detriment. I started writing this book with nothing in mind except that I wanted something magical to happen to this young boy named Bobby Brown. Well I managed to write nearly a third of my novel before I decided it might need some sort of loose outline. It took me several years and a lot of revisions including changing Bobby Brown to a girl named Penelope Gilbert (RIP poor Bobby) and switching my audience from young adult to middle grade.

Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block? Just don’t get too caught up in getting things perfect the first time. It’s better to get down a bunch of silly ideas and words until you push past your writer’s block, then to look at a blank screen for days. Computers are very forgiving. You can change, you can delete, and you can revise. Just get something written!

What are your hobbies aside from writing? I love kayaking but I don’t get to do that nearly as often as I’d like. I also enjoy tennis, board games, frisbee golf, and playing guitar. But after becoming a mom, I would sadd Netflix is the hobby I generally have time for. Oh yes, I have gotten very skilled at the Netflixing.

Where is one place you want to visit that you haven’t been before? SO many places. Underwater in a submarine, a real tropical deserted island, ancient ruins, a huge old castle, Lake Loch Ness at night in a row boat, just to name a few. Oh wait, I just read the question again. You said one place. So I’ll say, back in time to see a dinosaur.

You were just given an Island. What would you name it? Something majestic like Azure, or majesty… or Debbie.

Weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten.I once tried some Pup-Peroni. I smelled so good. Smell can be very deceiving.

If you could bring one of your characters to life, who would it be? Probably Haldor. He’s quirky and kind, plus he can bend metal with his mind. Do you know how handy that would be for home repairs?

Do you have any advice for other writers? Listen and learn from other’s feedback on your work, but ultimately trust your gut. Don’t get discouraged when you run up against harsh criticism. Use that criticism to fuel your fire. Edit like crazy and show them you do have a story worth sharing that only you can tell. And those rejections you have piling up in your inbox… they really are subjective. Somewhere, someone is looking for your book, it just needs to fall into the right hands at the right time.

Can you share an excerpt of your book with us?

 “Come on!” she yelled to Haldor who was wriggling out from under the spider corpse. She ran to the spot where she saw the creature enter as Haldor hurried to catch up. She scrambled through the brush until she came to a stream. There she saw the spider. He was across the water under a large tree.

Above him were several objects swinging in the breeze. It took her a moment to realize that they were rotting bodies strung up by their necks. Their unseeing eyes stared eerily into the darkness. Upon closer inspection, she saw that there were at least thirty of them. She wretched silently as she tried to think of a way for Crane to not become one of them. The spider was already trying to wrap a strand of webbing around his neck.

A thought occurred to her. An outrageous, outlandish thought. I can do this, she assured herself. She tried to picture every last detail of her slain foe—every creepy crawling, hairy, shiny detail. Penny could feel the energy pulsing through her. Her hands were no longer her own. Her teeth had become fangs, and her eyes were the eyes of a killer.


I absolutely love this cover! If you wish to purchase this book, you can do so on Amazon. Congrats Emily!!

The Countess Intrigue BY Wendy May Andrews

Engaged to a rumored murderer – what’s a lady to do?


During her second Season, Lady Elizabeth Castleton is found in a compromising situation with Lord Justice Sinclair, the Earl of Heath. Despite her attraction to him, she is dismayed to find herself betrothed to the man who is rumored to have killed his first wife. Her parents refuse to lend credence to the rumors, so she is soon married and on the way to her husband’s estate.

She cannot decide what to make of the handsome earl but after an attempt is made on her life, Elizabeth is terrified that history is about to repeat itself. She determines to find out once and for all if she is married to a murder.

Can she stay alive long enough to find her happily ever after?

Wendy May Andrews is a fellow author friend of mine from Clean Reads. She has been reading whatever she could get her hands on since the age of five. She has been writing for almost as long but hasn’t been sharing those stories with anyone but her mother until recently. Wendy lives in Toronto with her own real-life hero. When not writing or reading, they love to travel wherever the mood takes them.

You can follow her on  Facebook   Twitter   Instagram  and her website. WMAndrews author pic

Brief Excerpt:

The evening had already been harrowing with the abduction of her dearest friend from that very ballroom mere moments earlier, but it already felt like eons. After she had left it in the Duke of Wrentham’s hands there had been nothing she could do to help. She had no desire to stand about wringing her hands so she was making every effort to remain calm, keeping up appearances in order to prevent Rose’s absence from becoming common knowledge, in an effort to preserve her reputation. The last thing Elizabeth needed was to be seen conversing with the controversial earl. But despite every instinct shrieking for her to leave the man’s presence on the instant, she forced herself to meet his eye as she bade him good night.

His handsome face always made her blink. Well defined, with a sharp jaw and angular cheekbones. His skin looked smooth, as though he had just left the ministrations of his valet. His wide set eyes were a unique color, somewhere between blue and green, and leant an air of watchful intelligence to his beauty. She wondered if he found it amusing to be constantly faced with wide-eyed women or if he had become immune to it. Perhaps he took it as his due, Elizabeth thought absently, before she refocused her attention. She ought to be keeping her wits about her. Exhaustion from the evening’s turmoil was dulling her senses.

To purchase THE COUNTESS INTRIGUE, click on Amazon!



Check Out High Summons

Good afternoon everyone! Today I have a very special book to present to the world. High Summons is an amazing first book in the series Warlock of Rochester published by Clean Reads!

Jon Blythe is sick of waiting for his Yoda. After years of hiding his magic, he’s ready to retire from his mortal life, drop out of college, and jump into the world of demon hunters. He just didn’t really expect a bleach blond bookstore clerk with light up toys for weapons. Unfortunately, Jordan is Jon’s only hope. When rogue magic users come tocleanreads.png Rochester with a malicious plan, the odd couple strikes out to save the day. Jordan might not be what Jon expected, but between demons and Econ homework, the demons win every time. Wild nights drag Jon further from normal into the world where his father vanished. Maybe he’s becoming an addict. Maybe magic just comes with a price. Either way, he’s hooked.

If that doesn’t get you interested, I don’t know what will!  Eli Celata was born in Rochester and is currently attending Binghamton University as a doctoral student. Follow Eli on Goodreads, Twitter, and WordPress.

You can now purchase this book on the links listed below:

Amazon   Kobo   Smashwords   ITunes



Bleeding Hearts Release Party

It’s time to party!! party

Join me for my virtual release party on Saturday, August 27th from 10:00am to 4:00pm EST. It’s all online so you don’t even have to leave your home. The event is on Facebook and I have a bunch of authors lined up to talk about their own books and give away free stuff.

I will be sharing excerpts of Bleeding Hearts and giving away one, maybe two free EBooks during my party. There will also be a gift basket up for grabs as well as some games and interactive stories.

If you want to know more about me, my book, or my publisher, Clean Reads, don’t hesitate to ask!

Click here to RSVP to the party. See everyone there!


Cover Reveal- THE ELECT

One small crack and the Foundation will crumble.TheElectcover

Laura is the talented author of The Elect, a young adult, science fiction novel, published by Clean Reads. Laura Wadsworth Carter is a native of Oxford, Alabama, and is a graduate of the University of Montevallo. She received a Bachelor of Arts in History in 2008 and a Master of Education in 2009. When not teaching American history to teenagers, hunting for caffeine, or writing fiction, she spends her time with her musical husband, their hilarious toddler whose energy knows no bounds, and two ridiculous dogs. Together, they live in Huntsville, Alabama.

The elect author

For the past thirteen years, the Foundation has ruled Belstrana with an iron fist and has protected its reign with an army of meticulously programmed child soldiers. As one of those soldiers, seventeen-year- old August has done terrible things to innumerable people, though he wasn’t aware of it at the time.  
But when one small accident leads to a major awakening for August and three other Young Ones, submission is the last thing on their agenda, and they soon find themselves at the front of a growing rebellion. Embroiled in a fight they have little chance of winning, they soon realize that deception hides behind the most unlikely faces and desperation leads to unthinkable acts. But all they need is a crack, and the Foundation will crumble.

The Elect is scheduled for release on July 14th! You can find Laura on Twitter and her Website.

Born on August 25th, 2016

Babies are all the rage when you’re in your late twenties. After countless questions about when I’ll have a baby, it’s finally happening! I’m having my first baby, my novel! The pregnancy began in June of 2015.

The First Trimester: There was so much to think about… Names, doctors, what the characters will look like. Picking the perfect name was high on my list of things to do. I settled on Bleeding Hearts after many chats with my friend HollyI started this crazy idea of mine and finished the complete book within two months.

This is NOT the cover of my book.


The road to publication has been rough, to say the least. My good friend, Alyssa was the first to experience my mood swings as she tore through the first, initial edits to help shape the outcome of my book baby. If I didn’t start off in the right direction, my baby would come out with some birth defects. We worked together, and she chose her words carefully as Alyssa knew a first time mother might strike back at her suggestions.

My ambition to find the right doctor to produce my book was high. I researched, joined contests, and queried for several months. That’s when the stress really started. I had worried that I’d never be able to find someone who would want to help birth my book, but I did! Back in February 2015, Stephanie Taylor, book expert, lovely person, and owner of Clean Reads offered to be the one to bring my book to life. She was exactly what I had wanted in a book doctor.  

The Second Trimester: Usually this is when things calm down, but not for me. With edits every month for three months, this was a hard road as my nausea lasted a little longer than expected. Each time I’d send in edits, I felt my baby book was growing! Bleeding Hearts was going to be an amazing novel, I just knew it! During this time, I had many doubts that my book wouldn’t make the cut, that somehow, Stephanie would cut me as a patient. We hung in there through several anxiety filled emails asking countless amounts of questions and sharing my worries with her. She always gave me the answers I needed to make the months pass by quickly. 

The Third Trimester: Finally, it’s the home stretch. After several joined book parties and winning gifts, to keep me at ease, from my Clean Reads family, the time has come. It’s this period in your pregnancy that you get a finalized due date. In just two short months, on August 25th, 2016, my dream come true of having my fist book is going to be a reality. Mark your calendars! My book baby will be available for purchase as EBook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble. 

Stalk my Facebook page to find out more information. I will be hosting an online Facebook Release Party the following Saturday, 8/27 for my book so watch out for that!

Here is a blurb of my book along with two of my favorite memes!

Bleeding Hearts is a story about a young woman willing to put her heart on the line to find the perfect man.

Orphaned at an early age, now twenty-four-year-old Camryn Lucks is ready to commit to find that special someone, and so accepts a date from a charming, gallant, handsome stranger. The last thing she imagines after accepting that first date with Carson would actually be the beginning of her worst nightmare.  

Red roses, a reminder of her parents’ killer, soon become an emblem of horror for Cami as one by one, those closest to her fall victim to a serial killer. Cami becomes an obsession for Carson, the man she had finally allowed herself to love. Not only is he vying for her heart, but also her life.   

Finding herself in a whirlwind of torments shadowed by the blood-colored bloom, Cami finds solace in Isaac, a neighboring police officer. She’s desperate to escape the haunting memories, but she must revisit them in order to catch her would-be killer. Living life in constant fear has driven Cami to second-guess every choice she makes. Will the police catch the illusive murderer, or will Cami be forced to face him once again?

Again… As a reminder, Bleeding Hearts will be released on August 25, 2016

Sunshine Blogger Awards

Victoria Greenwell tagged me in the Sunshine Blogger Awards along with 10 other lovely bloggers.  Thank you so much for tagging me! So, what do I have to do?

Here are the rules of the Sunshine Blogger Award:

• Thank the person who nominated you.
• Answer the 11 questions you’ve been asked.
• Nominate 11 other bloggers, making sure to let each one know that they are nominated.
• Ask the nominees 11 questions.

Below are the questions I received:

  1. If you dress up for Halloween, cosplay, or other less commonly accepted occasions, describe your last two costumes. Okay, last Halloween I was half a vampire. Yes, I mean half. I painted my face, wore fake teeth, and wore a cape. But underneath that cape, I was a normal human, jeans and a sweatshirt. Then last June, I went to a ren faire and fully dressed up as a forest princess.danaren
  2. What movie or tv show would you consider a guilty pleasure? I love any variation of Cinderella!
  3. If you could live in any fictional world (whether it’s yours or someone else’s creation), where would you live and why? I kind of want to live in Shadowland. It’s a world, total opposite of ours that my sister and I made up. It rains upside down and the drops are black. And trash grows into brick buildings and disappears. Cool? I think so. I’d want to just see the world I’d created.
  4. You’ve been imprisoned for high treason and have been sentenced to death and there is no chance that the governor is going to call. Describe in detail your last meal. I think I would just want a pineapple upside down cake.
  5. Answer one of these or both: Name your favorite Doctor on Doctor Who. Name your favorite James Bond. Daniel Craig. Hands down.
  6. If you could choose any piece of music or song to be your theme song, what would it be? My Day by Danielle Bradberry.
  7. Concerning sleep, do you consider it a wondrous thing that you just can’t get enough of, or are you one of those “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” people? I love sleep but I am also one of those “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” people.
  8. Has any character that you’ve created ever done anything that took you by surprise? Yes! Cami from Bleeding Hearts is one character I couldn’t control! She tends to make some decisions that I wouldn’t necessarily make.
  9. Describe something from a movie, book or tv where you would have written it better. I actually don’t think about writing things better. Authors and screenwriters have their own way of doing things and I don’t feel like I could do better than them. 🙂
  10. Are you a shipper? If so, name some of the ships that you love. (For example, if you watch the Flash and you think Barry and Caitlyn should get together, that means you are shipper for SnowBarry.) I have a wonderful Ship name for two of my characters in my book Bleeding Hearts. Issami! Read to find out who they are!!
  11. Sentence fragments. Love them or hate them? I actually like them. I feel like they serve a purpose but don’t over use them!

So, there are my 11 questions answered. Now, here are the questions I’d like answered:

  1. What is your middle name?
  2. When did you first learn how to ride a bike?
  3. Are you the kind of person that likes to plan things or go out on a whim?
  4. What is your favorite thing to wear?
  5. Name a country then explain why you named it?
  6. What is your occupation?
  7. If you could own only one animal, what would it be?
  8. Which element do you relate to the most? Why? Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Spirit.
  9. Are you planning any vacations this year? If so, where?
  10. Name your favorite book?
  11. Lastly, do you believe that there are aliens in space?


Okay, the people I tag are:

Alyssa Filly –

L.K. Kuhl –

Kim Kasch –

Skye Hegyes –

Angelique Anderson –

Wendy May Andrews –

Ginger Solomon –

J.L. Salter  –

Nicole Zoltack –

Lora Palmer –

Wendy Knight –